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What I do Not Know or Understand

As I have started I do not understand certain parts inside the HTML code:

CSS I do Not Know or Understand

JS I do Not Know or Understand

What I Have Learned Up to Now

I see it would be good to write here what I have learned up to now to track the progress.

  1. 5.2.2024 - how to add the icon for the website. It is added inside the head section, with link element. I had to upload the image icon inside the working folder so I can use in on the website.
  2. 7.2.2024 - How to use some of the new tag elements like strong, description list, abbreviation tag
  3. 8.2.2024 - how to use section tag element and how to use # to get to specific part of the page
  4. 9.2.2024 - when to use <p> element - use it whenever you want to have space between text paragraphs. It will be nicely structured. Instead using <br> tag element and make a row as a space between the text it is best to use paragraph element
  5. 12.2.2024 - added image with details like alt, size, caption, title, loading like lazy load
  6. 13.2.2024 - added sections inside the web page, header, main, footer. Added element aside-details-summary
  7. 14.2.2024 - added table. Happy Valentine Day
  8. 15.2.2024 - When listening the tutorial I see that to get the best results from the tutorial is to have your own project you want to make. That means if you watch tutorial that creates a table for something you should see how to make a table, but the design with how many rows and columns you should have as your idea.

    And build that idea with the basic knowledge about creating table from the tutorial. This will led to think more about how to combine the basic knowledge about creating table. It is better than to simply copy what is inside the tutorial.

    When you think on your own how to use basic knowledge how to create table you increase your brain power and start to combine the knowledge you have seen from the tutorial. This means you will think, create, remember how to create a table with the basic knowledge. And this will lead to learning more details and combinations how to create a table. This approach should be done with any tutorial

  9. 16.2.2024 - I have added few more form types, like checkbox and radio. Added button submit to send a form. Created weekly report video on youtube channel
  10. 20.2.2024

    when looking Udemy course from Angela Yu and free code camp where developers teaches I see a difference. The difference is in the type of teaching. Angel Yu teaches like in school where she touces details a lot of each topic. And you get pretty good foundatation and basic explanation.

    When watching free code camp and other developer tutorial you get real codes in examples, but without basic and foundation details that you would get in school. This means they are lacking with some informations. But this is not bad, but it is different tutorial so I see that it would be best to get both version of tutorials to get basic knowledge and experience. Combination is very good choice for beginners

  11. 22.2.2024

    currently added more details on the CSM page

  12. 1.3.2024

    I have started to use JavaSCript and Express with API and Database. It is great to work paralel on my project because I learn much better. The idea to build a solution I want to have forces me to better understand certain steps. I have used GPT to help me solve some issue because Udemy course do not give all details I need. But I have to say that Udemy course gives you the basics. And then you can combine those basics to build complex stuff. When I read Chat GPT solution I can understand certain things because they were explained in the course as a basics. And that gives me clarification how the code works.

    Again I would recommend to learn the school basics and then use your own project. Your project will force you to work and understand certain concepts. If you follow tutorial and work on their project you will lose will. I cannot make the project from the course because they do not interest me. I want to see the basics and immediatelly use them on my project. This forces me to move forward.

    What I have seen is that I need to watch or read a lesson to see the basics. So I can understand what the code make or do. And then when I stuck I know where to retuirn and watch details. And also when I know what the code can do I know what is possible to make.

  13. 26.3.2024

    Almost finish with the chart. I have data each day shown on the chart as I Wanted. Maybe better chart visual would be better, but as a first projec it is ok. I have learned a lot since I started. And the best I have learned by working on project and problems I had. This led me to search for a solution and think about the solution. I have used Udemy course to get back to basics when I did not understand. I have used chatGPT as a "mentor" to ask if something is not clear because it is not easy to find an answer dirctly on your question on your project. So, this was of great help.

When I am Learning

Here are few details about my daily schedule:
Daily Schedule Monday-Friday
  Time Activity
Morning - Learning how to code
Day - Day job
Afternoon - Spent time with a family
Evening Other times Free time
Night Sleep
This is how my daily routine looks like

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